Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thinking Outside the Box

Plato and Satre share a strong similarity between their idea of what the human limitations are and how to overcome them.  The greatest example comes from the fact that in order to conquer one's own fears, it is the responsibility of that certain person to find who they truly are.  For Plato this self enlightenment came in the form of being released from the shadows of misconception that we as human beings all too often fall into.  He believed that in order to find the true morality of one's own being, one must escape from the beliefs and values the world delegates and rather pursue a destiny in which the "true being" is found.  On the other hand, Satre affirmed that the cultivation of life itself can only be discovered by liberating oneself from the evils that others seemingly force upon each other.  Understanding that one must sift through the many people that he or she encounters until finding the one that only conveys positive desires is the final step into finding who we really are.  Although both portray very dynamic views on life, Plato and Satre ultimately share an unbreakable bond.

Both authors make great use of hell as an extended metaphor.  Plato's immediate setting is without a doubt a cave, however by further analyzing the setting one can find that it is without a doubt hell on Earth.  Satre instead directly makes use of the setting of hell as an extended metaphor.  Without the reader even perceiving a different setting Satre makes use of numerous literary elements to describe his wicked setting.  In conclusion, both authors create a sense of how we as humans are often faced with the challenges of an overwhelming life. 


  1. Great job! You went into a lot of depth and really analyzed and showed great understanding of both pieces. You included a lot of examples to support your comparisons as well. Great work Ryland! :)

  2. You've got good ideas in here, and it reads smoothly. I would have liked to know what "further analysis" of the cave led you to conclude it is a metaphor for Hell, but it was overall very well done!

  3. great descriptions! keep up the good work!

  4. Nicely done! You got some really good analysis in here! I agree with josh, instead of just stating "by further analyzing" it would be nice to track your train of thought!

  5. I'm glad you analyzed so deeply because reading this knocked over the first domino in my brain.

  6. Fate has descended upon the hour
    Seek out that which is a vacuum of power
    A place from which the new replaced the old
    A place where the American stories were told

    Find this place of a year past
    Follow the breadcrumbs follow fast
    I am telling you where this trail goes
    Don't forget your glasses and your nose

    Find the new philosopher-queen
    In the room familiar to your year younger teen

