apostate: describes someone who has left behind their religious or political beliefs or his principles
"My decision to not attend the apostate church was looked down upon by my community."
effusive: something or someone showing unrestrained emotion or thankfulness
"I became so effusive that most people in the room were so embarrassed that they turned their backs to me."
impasse: something from which there is no escape or solution
"I walked down the dark and daunting impasse without knowing if I would come out."
euphoria: a feeling of well-being and great happiness
"My mom was in a state of euphoria when I was finally born after 19 hours of labor."
lugubrious: someone who looks very sad, depressed or long-in-the-face.
"The student suddenly was very lugubrious after finding he had failed his English exam."
bravado: behavior by a scared person that shows courage.
"The hero showed great bravado when defeating the ginormous dragon."
consensus: an agreement made by a group
"It took nearly three years for the firm to make a consensus on the business deal."
dichotomy: a sharp division of things or ideas into two contradictory parts
"Many scientists often have a great dichotomy between their fellow scientists based on the theory of Pangaea."
constrict: to become narrower at one place, or to make something narrower or more restrictive.
"To most, politicians seem only to constrict the money that supposedly belongs to the people."
Gothic: medieval, not classical, barbarous; uncivilized
"Most see the Dark Ages as a time of great Gothic cultural representation."
punctilio: observance of petty formalities
"The parents were very punctilious when throwing a party for their daughter who had turned 18."
metamorphosis: change of form, shape, structure, or substance; transformation, as, in myths, by magic or sorcery
"It is often said that life as we know it is constantly in a state of metamorphosis."
raconteur: a person who tells stories or anecdotes in an amusing and clever way.
"When growing up I saw my mom as the perfect depiction of a raconteur."
sine qua non: an essential condition, qualification, etc.; indispensable thing; absolute prerequisite
"The sin qua non in my life is how I treat others. I constantly find myself correcting myself before a discussion or introduction to someone I feel deserves my respect.
quixotic: romantic behavior or following beliefs even though they are foolish or unreachable goals.
"I can be very quixotic when it comes to the belief that as long as I stay true to myself, people will like who I am as a human being."
vendetta: lingering grudge or feeling of hatred for someone
"I hope to never hold a vendetta for someone because no matter what traumatic event that has occurred, everything can eventually be forgiven."
non sequitur: a statement, conclusion or reply that has nothing to do with the previous statement
"I hold my best friend that my girlfriend had just dumped me however he proceeded to continue to discuss the problems he had on his homework the following night. Sometimes his non sequitors can be so completley obvious.
mystique: an aura of mystery or an air of secrecy surrounding something or someone that makes the person or thing seem very intriguing.
"The mystique from the woman across the room instantly grabbed my attention."
quagmire: is soft, wet ground or a complex and difficult situation with no easy solution.
"My partner and I ran upon a quagmire after he realized that he had forgotten the project at home!"
parlous: perilous; dangerous; risky
" The work was parlous for those who had absolutely no idea what was going on around them."